Mahlena-Rae J. on LinkedIn: Presentations are an art form. It's not just about the content, it's… | 11 comments (2024)

Mahlena-Rae J.

The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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Presentations are an art form.It's not just about the content, it's about the delivery.Here are 5 tips for delivering a presentation that they'll never forget:1. Practice, Practice, PracticeThe more comfortable you are, the more engaging you will be.2. Use HumorA little humor goes a long way in capturing your audience's attention. Just make sure it's appropriate.3. Tell StoriesPeople remember stories more than facts. Weave stories into your presentation to make it memorable.4. Engage Your AudienceAsk questions, get them to participate, and make them a part of your presentation. This will make it interactive and more engaging.5. End with ImpactYour conclusion is what your audience will remember most. End with a strong call to action or memorable quote.Bonus Tip: Be YourselfYour quirks and personality are what make your presentation unique. Embrace it and let it shine through.Remember, the goal isn't just to get through your presentation, it's to make it an unforgettable experience for your audience.

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April Bamburg

Content Writer and Editor | Content Writing and Editing Services | Serving Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners


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I’m not a huge fan of making presentations in front of groups, but I love this reminder. Great info, Mahlena!

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Richard Akande

Top Content Development Voice | 100/100% Job Success Score on Upwork | Freelance Web and SEO B2B Content Writer ✍️| Marketing Copywriter | Healthcare Content Writer With MBBS | Cooking Words Everyday 🫕| Happy to chat 🥂


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I participated in a debate competition recently and before we started, the Judges made us understand that how we say what we say is more important than whta we say.You are right on this, Mahlena-Rae J..

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Sarah Ennor

I make ADHD human. I help companies turn good intentions into meaningful, neuroinclusive action. | Talks & Workshops | ADHD Pathfinder | International Athlete & Coach | Travel Adventurer | Lawyer on the Side


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The bonus? It’s the point! :)

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Victoria Walling

Story whisperer for entrepreneurs and organizations | Communications Director | Client experience across APAC, Europe, Australia, US | Storytelling Chef


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Presentations are like captivating performances. Love your tip about storytelling - facts inform, but stories inspire! 💙

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Alex Belov

Top ☁️ Web Service | SaaS development team: 3k Successes in a decade. Your Success is the next one | Podcast Host | Creator of Fitness & Health marketing tool “Calorie Calculator Cloud”


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Great tips, love the emphasis on being yourself!

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    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Want to develop an undeniable stage presence?It's not about being the loudest or most polished speaker.It's about being unapologetically yourself. Think of your favorite speakers. What makes them stand out?They all have a unique quality that makes them memorable.Find your own unique quality, and learn to embrace it.Are you funny? Charismatic? Thoughtful?Lean into those traits and let them shine.Audiences want authenticity, not a cookie-cutter presentation.So, don't try to be someone you're not.Instead, focus on delivering a message that only you can deliver, with your own spin.You don't need to be a perfect speaker, but you can be an authentic one.That's what truly captures an audience's attention and commands the stage.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Want to develop an undeniable stage presence?It's not about being the loudest or most polished speaker.It's about being unapologetically yourself. Think of your favorite speakers. What makes them stand out?They all have a unique quality that makes them memorable.Find your own unique quality, and learn to embrace it.Are you funny? Charismatic? Thoughtful?Lean into those traits and let them shine.Audiences want authenticity, not a cookie-cutter presentation.So, don't try to be someone you're not.Instead, focus on delivering a message that only you can deliver, with your own spin.You don't need to be a perfect speaker, but you can be an authentic one.That's what truly captures an audience's attention and commands the stage.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    What if you could silence your inner critic and present with confidence?As a presentation coach for introverted CEOs, I've learned that the fear of public speaking is something that many of us struggle with.But I'm here to tell you that you don't have to shy away from the limelight.You can overcome your fears and present with confidence.Here are some tips:1. Change your mindset:Instead of thinking of public speaking as a threat, think of it as an opportunity to shine.2. Practice:The more you do something, the easier it gets. Practice speaking in front of a mirror or join a public speaking club.3. Visualize success:Picture yourself delivering a great talk and receiving applause at the end.4. Know your audience:Understanding your audience helps you tailor your message and capture their attention.5. Keep it simple:Don't try to cram too much into your presentation. Simplify your message and make it easy to follow.It's time to conquer your fear of public speaking and elevate your presentations.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    The best way to convince others is to convince yourself first.Here's how to do this in your presentation:1. Practice, practice, practice.Record yourself and watch for hiccups.2. Focus on your posture.Stand tall and take deep breaths.3. Dress to impress.When you look good, you feel good.4. Memorize your opening.The start sets the tone.5. Be yourself.Your confidence will shine through.6. Recite your favorite quote.Something that inspires you.7. Slow down.Don't rush through the content.8. Get feedback.Ask for honest feedback from friends.Remember, confidence is contagious.Believe in yourself and your message, and your audience will too.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Introverted CEOs deserve better.If you're one, you know the feeling.You've got great ideas, but you struggle to present them.Maybe you:→ Get nervous in front of crowds→ Mumble, stutter, or talk too fast→ Have difficulty connecting with your audienceYou release a sigh and wish you could be more like that charismatic speaker who always has the attention of the room.But what if I told you there's a secret weapon you can use to showcase your ideas like a pro?You heard it right, presentation coaches.These coaches help introverted leaders like you to:→ Refine your message→ Improve your delivery→ Increase your confidenceThey know how to make the most out of your natural strengths and unique style, transforming you into a captivating public speaker.It's time to stop hiding behind your ideas.Invest in a presentation coach and unleash your full potential.________________________________________________I am Mahlena-Rae Johnson, the only presentation coach for introverted CEOs. I help them SPEAK ANYWAY by embracing their imperfections to ultimately ace public speaking.Interested to know more about it? Send me a message on LinkedIn.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Introverted CEOs can speak so that people listen.And here’s how.1. Reframe introversion→ Not a weakness, but a power→ Listen better, observe more, and connect with audiences on a deeper level2. Write for your audience→ Tailor your messaging to resonate with your listeners→ Focus on the value you bring to them, and how you can help solve their problems3. Mirror their energy→ Match your tone and pace to your audience→ Take a deep breath, pause, and speak at a deliberate pace4. Use stories→ Get personal and share stories that connect with your audience→ Use metaphors and analogies to simplify complex ideas5. Listen before you speak→ Ask questions, show interest, and listen to your audience→ Then, use their answers to guide your messaging and make them feel heard.Remember, you don’t need to be an extrovert to be an exceptional communicator.Use your introverted superpowers to your advantage, and leave a lasting impression on your audience._________________________________I am Mahlena-Rae Johnson, the only presentation coach for introverted CEOs. I help them SPEAK ANYWAY by embracing their imperfections to ultimately ace public speaking.Interested to know more about it? Send me a message on LinkedIn.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Are you the leader of a startup company who needs someone to help you perfect your pitch? 🤔Well, send me a message, because apparently that is what I do. 💁🏾I teach you how to go from Scared CEO to Powerful Persuader, keeping your potential investors awake long enough to read your presentation slides and give you money. 💰 What is your biggest fear about giving a pitch?Tell me in the comments. ⤵️Thanks for reading. 🙂#pitch

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Think of your favorite TED Talk.Chances are it was filled with storytelling.Why?Because stories are the secret to transforming a dry, uninspiring talk into something that resonates on a deep, emotional level.Introverted CEOs often struggle with engaging their audience in public speaking.But, it's been scientifically proven that stories light up more of our brains than plain facts or data.Why is that important?Because the more someone's brain is lit up while listening to you, the more they are engaged.So, next time you're about to speak, try incorporating:→ Personal anecdotes→ Client success stories→ Analogies and metaphorsThis will help your audience connect with you and your message.Be the kind of leader who uses a simple story to inspire greatness in others.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    The language you don't realize you're speaking:Body language.Before you even speak, your body has already said so much.Don't believe me? Try this:Stand up straight, shoulders back, chin up.Now cross your arms and frown.Notice how the energy shifted?People constantly read us, even when we're not speaking.Here's how to make your body language say "I'm an expert":1. Eye contact.2. Open palms.3. Lean in.4. Smile.That's it. Simple, yet powerful nonverbal cues that communicate authority and confidence.But here's the trick: do it authentically. Don't overdo it, or you'll come across as fake.Remember - your body tells a story, even when you're not speaking.

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  • Mahlena-Rae J.

    The Only Presentation Coach for Introverted CEOs. | Teaching You How to Feel the Fear and Speak on Stage Anyway.

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    Body language tips for introverts:1. Breathe- Inhale for 4 sec, exhale for 6 sec- Slows your heart rate- Soothes your nerves2. Use your gaze- Make contact and hold it- 3-5 sec max before breaking- Focus on their pupils3. Take up space- Keep your feet grounded- Shoulders back, chin up- Use strong gestures4. Smile with your eyes- Use your eyes to express- Happiness, curiosity, agreement- Authenticity is key5. Mirror the speaker- Lean in when they do- Mirror their gestures- Mimic their tone6. Take breaks- Sneak a break before or after- Give yourself some time alone- Recharge your batteriesIntroverts may not be the loudest voice in the room, but their body language can speak volumes.Follow these tips to communicate with confidence and authenticity.

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Mahlena-Rae J. on LinkedIn: Presentations are an art form.It's not just about the content, it's… | 11 comments (52)

Mahlena-Rae J. on LinkedIn: Presentations are an art form.It's not just about the content, it's… | 11 comments (53)


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Mahlena-Rae J. on LinkedIn: Presentations are an art form.

It's not just about the content, it's… | 11 comments (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.