How to Seduce an INTJ (2024)

I don’t mean physically. I mean emotionally.

I am an INTJ – Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. Hannibal Lector is also an INTJ (I didn't have to look up that he was one. It was clear from the movie). You’re probably wondering why I bring him up, but I have good reasons.

In both the novel and the movie, The Silence of the Lambs, when Clarice and Hannibal met, they play tit-for-tat – she tells him something, he tells her something.

The reason Hannibal did what he did is because all INTJs have a desire for knowledge. Taken to an extreme, it’s the sin of Greed. INTJs are emotionally satisfied by knowing things they want to know. But it has to be what they want to know. Gossip drives us insane.

In fact, when you start to see someone twitch angrily when someone else is running on and on, there is a good chance that person is an INTJ.

Hannibal wanted to know about Clarice, and when he got what he wanted from her, you saw the look of satisfaction on his face. Hannibal was manipulating Clarice into seducing him, while he was seducing her. It’s never a one-way street. When he got the chance, he caressed her finger with his.

Hannibal wanted intimate details from Clarice, and he had to play tit-for-tat to get them. But he got them. (There is a line from the movie, "You don't want Hannibal inside your head". You know what? You don't want any INTJ inside your head. Since we see patterns we can see things, that if we said them, would be incredibly cruel.)

INTJs are seduced by intimate emotional details – by stories of people’s lives. They don’t particularly judge what they hear. We’re too greedy to do much judging, because of our desire to understand.

You want to emotionally seduce an INTJ? Give him intimate details and stories of your life. Especially if you whisper in his ear in the dark

INTJs are almost invariably intelligent, knowledgeable, and witty. We are imaginative and intuitive first, after which reason is in the third place. If a male INTJ (I can’t speak about female ones) runs across a woman who is intelligent, witty and knowledgeable, she can easily seduce him with intimate details of her life – with stories about herself.

Intellect is not the first thing to get to us, although it does count tremendously. Engaging the imagination and the intuition does. The imagination is how we understand stories – it allows us to empathize, to feel a connection, The intuition helps the imagination.

That’s what counts with us – engaging the imagination and the emotions by intimate stories. We are in fact voyeurs -- not in the Peeping Tom sense, but in sense of wanting to know those unique stories about people's lives.

INTJs are also System Builders, i.e., they want to know the “whole” of something. When Hannibal was asking such intimate questions of Clarice, he was trying to find the most important things about her, so he would know her as a whole, as a complete system, as a whole woman.

In fact, in the second novel (but not the movie) they ended up together. I wasn’t surprised.

An INTJ will in fact start to consider such a woman his soul mate.

INTJs collect the unusual. Gossipy details about other’s lives do nothing for us,in fact, as I mentioned, drive us insane. But the unusual, the unique – that’s a different story, just as Clarice’s unusual life intrigued Hannibal.

For good or bad, INTJs are nearly impossible to read. Most people are vaguely confused by us. Oftentimes we're considered strange. It's just the way we are. We can't do much about it, although we do learn to halfway come across as normal.

The ENFP (Extroverted Feeling Perceiving) is supposed to be the natural partner of the INTJ. I have run across such women, and I know their effect on me. Some of them, the more intelligent and witty ones, do feel like my soul mates.

You can’t seduce an INTJ physically. Oh, you can, but that’s as far as it will go. A woman can be beatiful, and that will last about three days with us.

But once you can get to him emotionally, with the intimate, unusual stories, wit, intelligence, accepting the fact you’re dealing with someone who is less than one percent of the population…then you’ve found the chink in the armor.

How to Seduce an INTJ (2024)


What seduces an INTJ? ›

Sincerity: The Gold Standard for INTJs

As INTJs, we are drawn to the unvarnished truth like a moth to a flame. It's the harmony between your words and actions, the authenticity that resonates with our Introverted Intuition (Ni).

What stimulates an INTJ? ›

Critical thinking often energizes and motivates INTJs. Thinking through complicated problems, even those that are abstract or theoretical, often drives INTJs. They love having the chance to explore different solutions.

How do you know if an INTJ is attracted to you? ›

How to Know an INTJ Likes You
  • 1 They take interest in your interests.
  • 2 They show up where you are.
  • 3 They initiate physical contact with you.
  • 4 They find subtle ways to make you happy.
  • 5 They go out of their way to talk with you.
  • 6 They want to spend time with you.
  • 7 They'll give you compliments.
  • 8 They plan ahead.

How do you get an INTJ to hang out? ›

If you're planning to spend time with an INTJ, consider a location that promotes calm intellectual pursuits. It's not that we shun more boisterous settings, but a serene environment is more likely to bring out our intriguing analytical side.

Who is the hardest partner for INTJ? ›

INTJs do not get along well with Sensing and/or Judging personality types. The worst types for an INTJ to be in a relationship with include the ISFJ, ESFJ, ISTJ, and ESTJ. INTJs are curious and always thirsty for knowledge. They do not settle for the traditional way to solve problems.

What turns off an INTJ? ›

The INTJ – Forced Small Talk

Forced small talk is a turn-off for INTJs because it feels like a waste of time.

What makes an INTJ man irresistible? ›

INTJs are so attractive because they encompass the idea of independence, rugged individualism, and self-possession. They truly embody Nietzsche's amoral superman.

What does an INTJ do when they like someone? ›

Many INTJs tend to be more argumentative or critical when they are interested in someone. This trait is a byproduct of our Te, pushing us to explore all angles of an argument. As an INTJ, we regard intellectual sparring as a form of bonding, a dance of the minds.

What does an INTJ want most? ›

INTJs have a hunger for knowledge and strive to constantly increase their competence; they are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves and others.

How to make an INTJ fall in love with you? ›

Demonstrating loyalty and honesty is paramount, as betrayal is an unpardonable transgression in our worldview. To truly harmonize with an INTJ, one must respect our need for independence and personal space. Recognize our unconventional love language and understand that our actions often speak louder than words.

What is INTJ love language? ›

Remember, for an INTJ, love is a cerebral journey as much as an emotional one. Quality time reigns supreme in our hearts, acts of service speak louder than any sonnet, and physical touch, words of affirmation, and gifts, though less prevalent, add unique notes to our love symphony.

Will INTJ make the first move? ›

So, if you've set your sights on an INTJ, expect to initiate the chase. But fear not, for our Extroverted Thinking (Te) appreciates the clarity and precision of your advances, translating them into a language we understand.

Can an INTJ be obsessed with someone? ›

Are INTJs obsessive about people they love (especially those they can't have)? We certainly can be. We're very particular about who we fall for, so it doesn't happen frequently. When it does happen, we can be somewhat obsessive.

Why would an INTJ avoid me even if he likes me? ›

Why would an INTJ avoid me even if he likes me? The short answer is that INTJs are uncomfortable with feelings that cause us to display irrational behavior. And liking someone creates a lot of that. That is, we are uncomfortable with the idea of acting on emotions, because they aren't logical, and logic is our comfort.

What is a major weakness of INTJ? ›

INTJ Weaknesses

Their self-assurance can blind them to useful input from other people – especially anyone they deem to be intellectually inferior. These personalities can also come across as needlessly harsh or single-minded in trying to prove others wrong. Dismissive of Emotions – For this type, rationality is king.

How does INTJ flirt? ›

INTJs are very protective of their personal space, so if they're casually touching you a lot then it's a good sign that they're interested in you. They might start small, like brushing your hand as they reach for something.

How to please an INTJ? ›

So how do you really get an INTJ to open up?
  1. Make them feel comfortable. ...
  2. Give them the time they need. ...
  3. Don't shower them with affection. ...
  4. Spend quality one-on-one time together. ...
  5. Engage in open conversation. ...
  6. Express loyalty to them.
Dec 23, 2020

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.